Parent Teacher Organization (PTO)
Lake Weston is supported by our Parent Teacher Organization. All funds generated by this organization, remain within our school to support our various PTO projects. This is another area where volunteers make a difference. Parents can get involved by joining the PTO (membership dues are only $5.00) and by helping out with our projects and fund raisers. The more help we have, the more we can do.
We always need parents to serve as officers. To serve on the PTO Board, you must have an approved ADDitions form on file. Please visit the OCPS ADDitions School Volunteers page at
For more information please contact the main office at (407) 296-6430.
School Advisory Council (SAC)
The SAC is a group of parents, staff members, and community leaders that together evaluate the effectiveness of the school's educational programs and objectives. Through a process called strategic planning, the council studies the external and internal factors influencing our school, along with information received from our annual parent survey. The SAC continually develops and revises objectives for our school. Parents interested in joining the SAC can respond to a recruitment letter, sent home in September, or call the principal at 407-296-6430.